This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by cjparker84 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #4927 Score: 0

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    I am trying to create a NetSuite Case Search that grabs the “latest author” of a message to our customers. I know I can do this by using the associated messages record and setting the summary type to “Maximum” with an order by “date” for the message… but then that requires every other item in my search to be grouped and it just adds noise to the search.

    Is there a formula I can run to grab the latest author name? Alternatively, we could make a field that populates with “latest author” but that seems unnecessary as the data is there already.

    I am just curious if there’s a better way to do this. Seems simple enough to just reference back to the latest message entry and grab the author versus grouping them… look forward to the input. Thanks!
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  • #4928 Score: 0

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    You can get the desired results by using a formula text under the criteria of your saved search.

    Field: Formula (Text)

    Formula: CASE WHEN {lastmessagedate} = {messages.messagedate} THEN ‘lastmessage’ ELSE ‘NotRecent’ END

    Then you would include under your Formula (Text) field “contains” lastmessage.

    This will show the last message from your case.

    Hope this helps.

    – Robert

  • #4929 Score: 0

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    Originally posted by robert.paulson

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    You can get the desired results by using a formula text under the criteria of your saved search.

    Field: Formula (Text)

    Formula: CASE WHEN {lastmessagedate} = {messages.messagedate} THEN ‘lastmessage’ ELSE ‘NotRecent’ END

    Then you would include under your Formula (Text) field “contains” lastmessage.

    This will show the last message from your case.

    Hope this helps.

    – Robert

    Thank you! This did the trick.

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