This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by jsharron 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #4909 Score: 0

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    I used NetSuite about six years ago and just recently started using it again with a new company. I’m still trying to get back up to speed so please excuse me if this seems like a simple question. I cannot figure it out.

    When creating a transaction various fields consist of drop down menus or lists. My lists are growing and since I auto-assign ID numbers to things like Vendors the lists aren’t going to be in alphabetical order. This makes finding what you’re looking for within the list difficult unless a user can enter a keyword into the field and it presents options within the menu/list.

    My research revealed that I should be able to type % followed by the keyword. NetSuite allows me to enter % into the field but no other character. This is true with or without a space between the % symbol and the keyword. NetSuite also allows me to enter any letter that an entry within the menu/list begins with. For example all my Vendor ID numbers begin with V so NetSuite allows me to type V plus any ID number that exists within the list.

    So all that to ask, how can I conduct a keyword search within my transactional drop down menus/lists? I’ve attached a screenshot of two fields on a purchase order transaction form that have drop down menus/lists that I cannot figure out how to search using a keyword. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
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  • #4910 Score: 0

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    Another user within my company changed his user preferences and now is able to use the % wildcard to do what I’m trying to do. It appears to be user-specific functionality based on preferences because my instance of NetSuite still doesn’t allow for this functionality. Also it doesn’t matter which web browser I use. The functionality doesn’t exist for me either way.

  • #4911 Score: 0

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    I figured it out. User specific setting had drop down lists set to 200. The % search functionality doesn’t activate until the list is longer than the setting. I changed it to 50 and since I have more than 50 vendors and expense categories I can now search within the drop down list

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