This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by melanie.fuller 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    We have some item groups and the executives want to total revenue of the items and then a unit count as well. Item groups are funky, so I wanted to have a column that sums a specific sku (part of the item group) as ONE unit sold and have a total revenue column next to it. I am running into problems in that I cannot get the formula to sum the quantity when I put a specific item number requirement on it. I can sum quantity without this "case when" on just the quantity or I can run it and change the quantity to a text formula with a static result and it works, but for some reason, I cannot get this to fire and instead get an error. Any ideas on how I might do this? It will make dashboards much easier for me to make if I can have separate columns for the sum/quantity of just skus I want to highlight side by side.

    Neither of these options are working for me.

    thanks for your help!

    Case when {item} = '971-0009' then Sum({Quantity}) else '0' END

    Case when {item} = '971-0009' then {quantity} else '0' END
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