This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by kshaffer 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #22948 Score: 0

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    I need to create a search that will default the quantity available on drop ship items to 50 but leave everything else alone. In the Channel Advisor system I accomplish it with SELECTCASE(($dropshipitem ="T"),"50", $CallForPrice = "T","0",$quantity). I am trying to recreate that in Netsuite. I tried CASE WHEN {isdropshipitem}=T THEN ’50’ WHEN {custitem_call_for_price}=T THEN null ELSE {quantityavailable} END. This does not work. Does anyone have any suggestions on what else I try? Thanks much!
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  • #22949 Score: 0

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    You need to surround the string literals with quotation marks –

    CASE WHEN {isdropshipitem} = 'T' THEN '50' WHEN {custitem_call_for_price} = 'T' THEN NULL ELSE {quantityavailable} END

  • #22950 Score: 0

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    Thank you, I will give this a try! Much appreciated.

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