This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by dominicb 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #22851 Score: 0

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    I have a saved search which lists inventory items and want to add a column to display the cost price for the preferred vendor.

    I can get latest or average cost no problem, but can't figure out how to get preferred vendor cost. Can anyone shed any light on how to do this?

    I can see using nlapiLoadRecord in a console that it's in .linefields.itemvendor within an array, but am not sure how to get at this in a search?
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  • #22852 Score: 0
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    You can do so by using the field Vendor Price. But you are also going to need to use a formula to remove vendors that are not preferred. Follow the criteria and results below. Let me know if you have any questions.

    On the Criteria Tab > Standard subtab : add the following:

    –Type > select types of items to include (Inventory, Assembly etc.)

    –Formula (Numeric) > Formula: case when {vendor} = {othervendor} then 1 else 0 end (on the dropdown below choose greater than or equal to 1)

    On the Results Tab > Columns subtab



    –Preferred Vendor

    –Vendor Price

    Torin Salerno

    Aminian Business Services

    NetSuite Support:

    (949) 407-8416 | (888) 800-5207 x 16

  • #22853 Score: 0

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    Thank Torin, that's working great. I'd actually managed to get the {vendor} = {othervendor} bit, but hadn't managed to figure out the logic to go with it.

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