This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by kentroylance 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #21846 Score: 0

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    I have the following filter that isn't returning the right result:

    filters[0] = new nlobjSearchFilter('internalid', 'contact', 'is',;

    filters[1] = new nlobjSearchFilter('firstname', null, 'contains', input.searchValue).setOr(true);

    filters[2] = new nlobjSearchFilter('lastname', null, 'contains', input.searchValue).setOr(true);

    filters[3] = new nlobjSearchFilter('companyname', null, 'contains', input.searchValue).setOr(true);

    filters[4] = new nlobjSearchFilter('email', null, 'contains', input.searchValue).setOr(true);

    filters[5] = new nlobjSearchFilter('entitystatus', null, 'anyof', leadStatusCodes);

    This is not working how I would want it where I really want:

    filters[0] and (filters[1] or filters[2] or filters[3] or filters[4]) and filter[5]

    Is there a better way to do this that works.


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  • #21847 Score: 0

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    Hi Kent,

    Can you build your search using the user interface to get the results you want? I'm a big fan of a tool that david.smith put together.…pt-1-0-and-2-0 You create a saved search in the user interface and then it generates SuiteScript code for you based on that.

  • #21848 Score: 0

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    Unless I am missing something, I can't see how to group a criteria with ands and ors within the tool.

    david.smith replied on 02/16/2017, 03:42 PM: Within the UI you have to click the checkbox to USE EXPRESSIONS

  • #21849 Score: 0

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    I would highly suggest getting used to using the filter expressions. It's just a set of arrays. I think what you're looking for is something like this:


  • #21850 Score: 0

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    First of all, thanks for your help. I cannot for the life of me figure this out.

    I actually tried that, but I couldn't get it to work. I took exactly what you have with a few modifications, and I am getting this error: Code: SSS_INVALID_SRCH_FILTER_EXPR_OBJ_TYPE Details: filters

    var filters = [

    ['contact.internalid', 'is',],



    ['firstname', 'contains', input.searchValue],


    ['lastname', null, 'contains', input.searchValue],


    ['companyname', null, 'contains', input.searchValue],


    ['email', null, 'contains', input.searchValue]



    ['entitystatus', 'anyof', leadStatusCodes]


    The output looks like this: contact.internalid,is,29998,and,firstname,contains ,mark,or,lastname,,contains,mark,or,companyname,,c ontains,mark,or,email,,contains,mark,and,entitysta tus,anyof,7,6

    Thanks again for your help.

    david.smith replied on 02/16/2017, 04:16 PM: Remove the “null” values from your arrays. The filter expressions use dot syn for the joins.

  • #21851 Score: 0

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    That was the trick. Its the devil in the details that will get you every time. Thanks again for all your help.

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