This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by chanarbon 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #21792 Score: 0

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    How many times we can rescheduled a particular scheduled script? also I want to know Is there any time limit for scheduled script?
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  • #21793 Score: 0

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    There's normally no 'time limit' per se, but NetSuite will monitor things like excessive logging etc. and may stop your script. I know of no limit on the number of times a scheduled script can be called.

    I must say, it does sound like a bit of an odd question – are you looking at having a script effectively run all day every day?

  • #21794 Score: 0

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    From my experience, you can have the rescheduling of schedules script as many as possible But the thing that you should consider is the following:

    1. How congested is your queue? If you reschedule it everytime. Why not just use the deployment scheduling and just improve the algorithm inside the script.

    2. How big is your working context. Note that you have a 50MB memory footprint for a running scheduled script.

    Similar to k_dunc 's question, do you plan to push a schedule to the queue every time that the script finished to keep the queue busy? This might somehow look like every time a record or a group of records come into the criteria of the search where you base your scheduled script, you would trigger the scheduled script.

  • #21795 Score: 0

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    Additionally, rescheduling things would best work on off-peak hours. Also, yes be mindful of your logging and the running time of your scheduled script.

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