This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Vesku1980 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #21755 Score: 0

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    Is it possible to add a filter field to suitelet?

    I have a sublist with hundreds of rows and i wan't to filter it in suitelet view.

    Is it possible?

    I would like to have new field Order By Customer above the sublist and when selecting a Customer current customers Sales Orders are showed in Sublist.

    Then i can choose an another etc…

    I know how to do suitelet that filters results to sublist when loading the page but this is something more and better if it is possible to do.

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  • #21756 Score: 0

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    Not with the NetSuite API and not without posting back to the suitelet or loading all the data to the page.

    With the NetSuite API you can add the filter fields and post back to the suitelet with the submit button. On page reload your script can use the field data to do the filtering.

    Outside the box, you can use 3rd party tables to display your data. These can do just about anything you want.

  • #21757 Score: 0

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    So, it is possible to add plain html code to suitelet?

  • #21758 Score: 0

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    Yes. In fact, my preferred method is to create a NS form and add custom HTML to an inlinehtml field. This way the NS navigation remains on the page but you have the ability to create whatever you want with HTML/JavaScript.

  • #21759 Score: 0

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    Ok, thanks, i will try that!

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