This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by rstack10 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hope someone can help me wrap my head around this. I'm trying to trigger a Case Status change if a Customer interaction (email) is received.

    Below is the code written to date:

    function afterSubmit(type)


    // Load the message record

    var message = nlapiGetNewRecord();

    //load the case record

    var caseRecord = nlapiGetNewRecord();

    // Get the ID of the activity associated with the message var activity = message.getFieldValue('activity'); //Get the Case Status of the associated Case var caseStatus = caseRecord.getFieldValue('status'); if(caseStatus != '4' || caseStatus != '5') { // If there is any activity if(activity) { // If the activity is a case, load the record and change the status. try { var caseRecord = nlapiLoadRecord('supportcase', activity); caseRecord.setFieldValue('status',20); nlapiSubmitRecord(caseRecord); } // If the activity is not a Case, log a warning message catch(exec) { nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'Warning','Activity Record is not a Case'); } } else { return false; } }



    Case Status 4 = Completed

    Case Status 5 = Closed

    Case Status 20 = Customer Reply Received

    What is happening is……Once I save the case and I generate a mail to the customer i.e. case logged email. The case status is updated to "Customer Reply Received"
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