This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by pavelnik 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #21568 Score: 0

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  • #21569 Score: 0

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    I just tested in my development account and user event scripts are still running on xedit.

    In what context are you triggering your inline editing? If the inline editing is inside a user event script or plug-in implementation, then other user event scripts won't trigger.

  • #21570 Score: 0

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    pcutler thank you for answer. I figure out that it already working. But I do sure that it didn’t work on the last time. It's a user event script context. May be it was the issue of NS. Anyway the topic is closed.

    The code was.

    PHP Code:

    function beforeSubmit(type) {
        if (type == 'xedit') {
            nlapiLogExecution('AUDIT', type, nlapiGetRecordId());

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