This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by pcutler 6 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #21351 Score: 0

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    Recently new Admin for NetSuite. I am looking for a script to make a transaction column field a certain display type on a specific transaction form.
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  • #21352 Score: 0

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    Try something like this (not tested, could have typos):

    function beforeLoad() {

    var sublistId = 'item';
    var fieldId = 'custcol_my_field';
    var displayType = 'hidden'; // or disabled, inline, etc.

    var field = nlapiGetNewRecord().getLineItemField(sublistId, fieldId, 1);

    // set the field's display type
    if(field) {

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