This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by k_dunc 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #21340 Score: 0

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    Our customers have view access to their sales orders. We are trying to display the sales order on a specific custom form. I have been able to make nlapiRedirectURL work for me when the user even script is deployed to me in released mode. However when I try to deploy to the customer center role – the script runs but does not ultimately change the form displayed in customer center. Has anybody been able to do this successfully? Here is a code snip:

    if (role==1020){

    var record = nlapiGetRecordId();

    var currentForm = request.getParameter('cf'); // get the current custom form id'

    var record = nlapiGetRecordId();

    if (currentForm != 161){

    nlapiSetRedirectURL('RECORD', 'salesorder', record, false,{cf:161});


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  • #21341 Score: 0

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    Why you don't just create a before load script to sales order where you check the role and change the form when needed?

    Or is it possible to set Preferred Form in to Customer Center Role?


    Rafe replied on 02/22/2018, 02:23 PM: Thanks for the reply Vesku. Unfortunately I was not able to set a preferred form on the customer center role. Would not let me edit the field.

    Also, regarding the script – I am using before load. I went the path of redirect URL since nlapiSetFieldValue did not work either.

  • #21342 Score: 0

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    Hi Rafe,

    From your Custom Transaction Form, can you not select your Customer Center Role and make it the preferred form for that role? Then in your customisation of the form, remove the "Custom Form" Show option in the Screen Fields subtab, which then means they cannot change it to a different form?


    Rafe replied on 02/22/2018, 01:05 PM: I have set the form as the preferred form for customer center but no luck. I also read in SuiteAnswers the normal approach to setting the transaction form does not work for the customer center role.

  • #21343 Score: 0

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    So in your Custom Role (Setup > Users/Roles > edit the associated Customer Role), you can't make a given form Preferred in the 2nd subtab called "Forms"?

    Rafe replied on 02/23/2018, 08:30 AM: When I navigate there, it doesn’t even show any forms under transactions to even select as preferred.

  • #21344 Score: 0

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    It shoudn't be under Transactions. From memory, it should be the 2nd subtab across, called Forms. It should be visible for a Customer Centre role I'm almost certain. Your role is a Customer Centre role right?

    Rafe replied on 02/26/2018, 09:56 AM: Yes you are correct – Forms is the second sub-tab, however there is a sub-sub-tab for the transaction forms. That is showing up blank and non-editable. I spoke with support about this and I have been told that since we only give view permission on sales orders we cannot specify a form to view the transaction with on the customer center role. Under this role they can only see the transaction for only the preferred form at time of creation. So this means if our customer service rep enters an order on their behalf then they will see all of the fields. This seams very odd to me. I was told that there is an enhancement request to fix this problem.

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